In July 2017, at the Annual Meeting of Greater NYC for Change, our members agreed to “Pause” our efforts so as to encourage important work by and with the many Resistance groups that had sprung up in New York City. In July 2018, the Board of Directors unanimously voted to hit “Reset” so as to organize efforts not only to stop Trump, but also to lead toward the kind of government that can provide both a stronger present and a better, more equal future for us all.

Watch this page for information on the Vote Blue 2018 buses, a coalition effort to send hundreds, even thousands of volunteers to canvass this fall in key districts located within a two-hour-travel radius of New York City. We aim to take back the US Congress for the Democrats and elect a true-blue Democratic majority in the New York State Senate. The canvasses start on September 15th and run through Election Day. To register for the September 15th canvass, click here.