Greater NYC for Change Annual Membership meeting

Over the last few years, Greater NYC for Change had led in the fight for health care reform, gun violence prevention, and reducing the glaring income inequality in our nation. This year, we’ve taken the steps to become a nonprofit corporation, and we were honored to launch as a nonprofit on Wednesday, May 22nd. Other community leaders and progressive visionaries joined in to plan great things!
After wine and cheese, the members voted in the slate of executive board members who will run the day to day operations of the group. Later this year, we’ll kick off a bigger party to celebrate – please stay tuned! This is a milestone for us. We hope to amplify your voice and serve worthy causes in partnership with your leadership and allies, in the cause of social justice.
Below are some of our top priorities for the year to come:
· Partnership with Health Care for All New York to educate and enroll eligible New Yorkers in the new health care exchange opening in January 2014
· Combatting voter suppression laws in Pennsylvania
· Advocating for reversal of the harsh federal budget cuts contained in the sequester and for maintenance of protections under Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
· Partnership with
· Working to reduce gun violence in New York City communities and to pass gun safety legislation on the national level
· Organizing parents, teachers, and other members of the community to lobby state policymakers to expand the pre-k budget, raise educational levels, and combat poverty
· LGBT initiatives not limited to overturning DOMA and ensuring recognition of Marriage Equality in all states
· Organizing candidate forums to encourage civic participation in local elections
· Advocacy against income inequality, in particular for a true living wage in New York City