New Yorkers deserve better.

Serious people know what we’re in for if we don’t take global action to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere and stop burning fossil fuels. The destructive impacts of climate change are already threatening New York City–especially incommunities with the least resources.
What action can we take on a local level to counter this urgent problem?
In his first year, Mayor De Blasio has already laid out an ambitious sustainable energy plan, One City, Built to Last, that can have a major impact on New Yorkers by helping reduce carbon emissions an anticipated 80% by 2050. In tandem, many New Yorkers have joined the global divestment movement encouraging institutional investors to shift away from big fossil and into the sustainable energy sector. This financial strategy may play a key role in supporting the types of projects the Mayor endorses.
We’ll examine the Mayor’s plan, look at strategies of pension fund divestment, discuss how we can help at a local level to build a sustainable city, and brainstorm effective actions.
This event is a lead-up to the Global Divestment Day on February 13th.
Sponsored by Greater NYC for Change with 350NYC, Manhattan Young Democrats, United for Action, and Village Independent Democrats.
Space is limited. RSVP on Facebook or to
Take a look at these announcements of city-wide activities and resources. Please, don’t forget to spread the word.
The next Moral Mondays NYC, a People’s Response to the Governor’s State of the State Address, is scheduled for Monday, January 26th from 4:30 to 6 pm at the Adam Clayton Powell Building on West 125th Street. Check it out here.
Americans from coast to coast have lost faith in the criminal justice system. Staten Island DA Dan Donovan failed to bring even a single charge against the officer who killed Eric Garner. Now, Donovan is trying to stop NYC Public Advocate Letitia James from unsealing the transcript of the case. New Yorkers deserve to know what happened in that courtroom. Sign the petition demanding Staten Island DA Dan Donovan release the transcript.
Find out if you qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit and the NYC Child Care Tax Credit. You could be entitled to a refund of up to $10,000. More info (including FREE volunteer tax-preparation assistance) here.